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Brooks Jr, F., Ouh-Young, M., Batter, J., Kilpatrick, J.  “Project GROPE-Haptic Displays for Scientific Visualization“.  ACM Computer Graphics. Vol 24. no. 4, August 1990.

Airey, J., Rohlf, J., Brooks Jr, F. “Towards Image Realism with Interactive Update Rates in Complex Virtual Building Environments”  Silicon Graphics Computer Systems.

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Brooks Jr, F., Fuchs, H., Bajura, M., Bishop, G., Brandt, A., Brumback, S., Chen, D., Chi, V., Chung, J., Davidson, D., Edwards, E., Erikson, E., Harrison, D., Holloway, R., Hopkins, T., Houseman, L., Hughes, J., Keller, K., Mine, M., Pizer, S., Rolland, J., Taylor, R., Tesh, K., Ward, F., Weber, H., Wright, B.  “Head-Mounted Display Research“.  Project Summary, August 1992.

Newspaper Article, ” UNC Signs Licensing Agreement,” March 9, 1994